EU-LIFE institutes share the view that scientific excellence in life sciences can only be achieved through strong adherence to principles of quality, scientific integrity, ethical responsibility, societal accountability, ecological sustainability, gender equality and cultural diversity while promoting a strong dialogue with society. EU-LIFE has a long-term mission to spread these values and best practice within Europe, to other institutes, existing or new.
EU-LIFE partners are committed to make all possible efforts to push excellence in science to the highest level.
Working groups & task forces
We established thematic working groups and task forces to foster excellence in science by sharing best practices in priority areas such as Science Communication, Grants & Funding strategies, Recruitment & training, Gender equality, Technology transfer or Core Facilities, IT as examples.
Projects & collaborations
Our members are often teaming up in many scientific projects and collaborations in the life sciences. EU-LIFE is also a partner of these projects in the areas of responsible research & innovation, Gender Equality and Open Science.

Science resources
This section is offering a quick overview of EU-LIFE member’s research groups and services as well as the offer of training available at EU-LIFE level in which all researchers are encouraged to actively participate.
Facts and Figures
working groups
task forces
visiting programmes