FIMM - Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland
FIMM is a translational research institute focusing on human genomics and personalized medicine at the Helsinki Institute for Life Science of the University of Helsinki. FIMM has a driving mission to perform innovative research on patients and populations targeted towards understanding drivers of health and disease and delivering improvements to the safety, efficacy, and efficiency of healthcare in Finland and beyond. Our research is primarily organised around four Grand Challenge programs: 1) human genomics for health and disease; 2) functional precision medicine in cancer; 3) data science for population health and 4) digital diagnostics for precision medicine. The FIMM Technology Centre and Biobanking Infrastructures, networked with several European ESFRIs, are critical partners to all of these research efforts. FIMM has over 250 employees representing almost 30 nationalities, more than 20 group leaders, and a budget of 25 M€ with 80% of the funding coming from external grants. FIMM is also a Finnish node of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine.

P.O.Box 20 - 00014 University of Helsinki

‘EU-LIFE community is the European voice of independent institutes in life science. It is doing remarkable work in molding European science policy to better support the highest level of science through benchmarking and active dialogue with funders, researchers, institutes and universities.’
Samuli Ripatti, Director of FIMM
Facts and Figures
of the funding from competitive sources
scientific articles per year