
EU-LIFE Charter of Independent Life Science Research Institutes: envisioning the future of research

For over 10 years, EU-LIFE has fostered excellence in science by sharing best practices, improving research governance and developing new common strategies. Based on those shared experiences and lessons learned, the EU-LIFE Board of Directors developed a set of common values and aspirations that was published in FEBS Letters as the EU-LIFE Charter of Independent Life Science Research Institutes.

The 10 essential principles of modern Independence Research Institutes (IRI)s in the European Life Sciences

The 10 essential principles of modern Independence Research Institutes in the European Life Sciences

The charter is signed by the directors of our 15 member institutes and was developed in the context of the EU-LIFE 10th Anniversary Conference Envisioning the research centres of the future. Its main aim is to inspire other research institutes to adhere to them, as well as to encourage critical reflection about the structure and governance of research organisations, to identify room for development, and to set a precedent for new institutes. The charter also evidences that independent research institutes are a fundamental part of the research and innovation environment.

Mónica Bettencourt-Dias (IGC) and Anita Ender (CeMM) sign the Charter on behalf of the Board of Directors during the EU-LIFE 10th Anniversary Conference

Mónica Bettencourt-Dias (IGC) and Anita Ender (CeMM) sign the Charter on behalf of the Board of Directors during the EU-LIFE 10th Anniversary Conference

  • To read the full EU-LIFE Charter of Independent Life Science Research Institutes, click here.
  • To watch the presentation and signature of the charter on YouTube, click here.