Molecular Life of Diatoms 8
Diatoms are an extremely diverse group of single-celled photosynthetic eukaryotes inhabiting aquatic and terrestrial habitats worldwide. Being responsible for about 20% of annual global carbon fixation, they play major roles in ocean food webs and global biogeochemical cycles. For the biotechnology industry, diatoms are a valued target because of their silica cell wall properties, high lipid content, and diverse secondary metabolites.
Omics and systems biology approaches, advanced (sub-)cellular imaging technologies and gene editing tools, have begun to reveal the genetic underpinnings of growth, reproduction, and responses to biotic and abiotic stressors in established and emerging model diatom species. Combined with the rapidly expanding genome-scale resources for ecologically and industrially important species, and insights from (meta)omics-based approaches on natural communities, these developments offer unprecedented opportunities to understand the biology, diversity, ecology, and evolution of diatoms, and apply synthetic biology strategies to enhance their unique metabolic capabilities.
At this workshop, we will bring together the international diatom community for the 8th time to present and to discuss the latest developments in the field of molecular diatom research. Besides an inspiring scientific program with contributions from young researchers as well as leaders in the field, conference participants will have ample networking opportunities during poster sessions, early-career researcher events, as well as the conference dinner and party.
The meeting will provide a relaxed atmosphere at a beautiful location in the historical center of Ghent. Fueled by Belgium’s diverse gastronomy, the meeting will foster scientific interactions and the exchange of ideas between all participants.
- Andrew Alverson, University of Arkansas, US
- Benjamin Bailleul, Sorbonne University, FR
- Petra Bulankova, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris, FR
- Michele Fabris, University of Southern Denmark, DK
- Katherine Helliwel, University of Exeter & Marine Biological Association, UK
- Bogumil J Karas, Western University, London, CA
- and many more.. visit our website for a full overview of all speakers
- Early bird: May 9, 2025
- Final registration: June 6, 2025
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