The 5th International TRP meeting
TRP2025 is the 5th edition of an international meeting that brings together researchers interested in Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) ion channels. The meeting covers key aspects of TRP channel research, from structural and molecular analyses of TRP channel function, to their roles in health and disease, and the development of TRP channel-based therapies. These topics will be discussed during invited lectures by renowned experts in the field, poster sessions and short talks from selected abstracts. In the informal setting of Leuven’s Great Beguinage, a UNESCO World Heritage site from the 13th century. The meeting offers ample opportunity for discussion and interaction among all participants - junior and senior researchers from academia and industry.
- Alex Binshtok - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, IL
- Ingrid Carvacho - Universidad Católica del Maule, CL
- Juan Du - Northwestern University, US
- Wouter Everaerts - Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, KU-Leuven, BE
- Antonio Ferrer-Montiel - IDiBE, Universitas Miguel Hernández, ES
- Ute Hellmich - Friedrich Schiller University Jena, DE
- and many more.. visit our website for a full overview of all speakers
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