Our members are often teaming up in many scientific projects and collaborations in the life sciences and beyond. EU-LIFE is also a partner of projects in the areas of responsible research & innovation, gender equality, open science and citizen science, among others. Here we highlight a few examples.

EU-LIFE/Nature Essay Contest
EU-LIFE joined forces with the prestigious journal Nature to launch the essay contest Utopia Institute of Research with the goal to encourage reflection and generate new ideas about how the places where research is conducted should be. This essay contest was part of the EU-LIFE 10th anniversary celebrations, which were devoted to envisioning the research centres of the future.

Emerald, the International PhD Programme for Medical Doctors, aims to push forward personalised medicine by fusing fundamental discoveries and frontier technologies with translational research and medicine. Emerald is a 5-year H2020 funded project.

PROTrEIN is a European Innovative Training Network with the goal to train a new generation of computational proteomics researchers by providing them an inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary set of skills to tackle the main challenges in the field and improve their future employability.

ORION, a 4-year H2020 funded project, aims to push for Open Science and Responsible Research and Innovation principles (ethics, gender, governance, open access, public engagement, and science education) in the research funding area.

LIBRA, a H2020 funded project, led the members of EU-LIFE with the support of ASDO, an expert organization on gender, to develop and implement Gender equality in research.

Life time
LifeTime is a new transnational and interdisciplinary initiative of leading European researchers aiming to understand the constant changes within cells and their relationships thus create the foundation for the precision medicines of the future.