Computational Cytometry Summer School
The amount of data collected with cytometers keeps increasing. With studies measuring up to 50 markers, millions of cells per sample and up to thousands of samples, manual gating of all this data becomes infeasible. In this summer school, we will have workshops on all steps of a computational cytometry pipeline in R.
On Monday afternoon, we offer two introductory tracks. Participants can choose between a session where we answer R related questions and solve installation issues, or a session where a cytometry introduction is given for people with a computational background.
From Tuesday onwards, we will dive into the computational cytometry specifics. We will cover data cleaning, cell population identification and downstream statistics. In addition, we will also have some sessions where these concepts are demonstrated on commercial platforms.
By the end of the summer school, researchers will better understand the dos and don'ts of many different algorithms and feel comfortable to start exploring cytometry data in R. While an example dataset will be provided, participants are strongly encouraged to bring their own FCS files to explore.
Required skills:
Basic experience in R programming. If you never worked in R you should attend the R introduction training first.
- Sara Garcia - Amsterdam UMC, NL
- Gert Van Isterdael - VIB Flow Core Ghent, BE
- Sofie Van Gassen - VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research, BE
- Yvan Saeys - VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research, BE
- Annelies Emmaneel - VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research, BE
- Newlyn Leroy - VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research, BE
- and many more.. visit our website for a full overview of all speakers
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Registrations will open soon

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