20th Course on Epigenetics
Anniversary celebration including a 1-day EpiGene3Sys workshop
The aim of this course is to provide an overview of epigenetic mechanisms and their links to gene expression and chromatin dynamics in different systems. The diverse functions of the nucleus involving the genome and its organization will be discussed with an emphasis on technological limits and the new experimental approaches being developed today. Links between the disruption of nuclear functions and the development of human pathologies will be discussed.
This year is the 20th anniversary of this Curie International Course (the first one to be organized ever) and we have decided to make it a very special event. First, we will start with a one-day workshop with the EpiGen3Sys IRN, which builds on the network of excellence EpiGeneSys that supported many editions of the Course over the years. Second, most of our invited speakers will be Alumni from previous Courses, who are now group leaders in Epigenetics worldwide.
Application deadline: January 7th, 2025
Geneviève Almouzni - FR
Valérie Borde - FR
Maud Borensztein (Alumni 2005) - FR
Charlène Boumendil (Alumni 2011) - FR
Sigurd Braun - DE
Antoine Coulon - FR
Aurélien Dauphin - FR
Pierre-Antoine Defossez - FR
Nathalie Dostatni - FR
Ines Drinnenberg - FR
Daniele Fachinetti - FR
Angelika Feldmann (Alumni 2011) - DE
Paul Liam Harrison - UK
Nicolas Iovino - DE
Joanna Jachowicz (Alumni 2013) - AT
Patricia Le Baccon - FR
Raphael Margueron - FR
Leonid Mirny – US/FR
Guillermo Orsi (Alumni 2008) - FR
Angela Taddei - FR
Felipe Karam Texeira (Alumni 2008) – UK
Céline Vallot (Alumni 2005) - FR
Scientific Committee
Geneviève ALMOUZNI
Antoine COULON
Leonid MIRNY

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