EU-LIFE continues to work towards the reform of research assessment in EU
Earlier this year, the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) launched two calls for working group proposals aimed at supporting the implementation of the CoARA commitments (the second cycle of submissions is still ongoing with deadline 9 November). In the last few weeks, some of the first appointed working groups were launched and have started working on their action plans.
As part of EU-LIFE’s continued work and active role in the reform of research assessment in Europe, the alliance has joined two working groups to date: the Supporting the alignment of research assessment systems with CoARA in biomedical disciplines through administrative reforms and governance working group (SAGA WG), and the Reforming Academic Career Assessment Working Group (ACA WG). In addition, EU-LIFE is in the process of joining the Early-and-mid-Career Researchers (EMCRs) – Assessment and Research Culture Working Group, which is expected to be launched in the upcoming weeks.

The ACA WG, co-chaired by the European University Association (EUA) and the Young Academy of Europe (YAE), aims to broaden the reflection on research assessment to the assessment of academic careers, taking into account the full range of work conducted by academics in research, teaching and learning, innovation, management, leadership and service to society. EU-LIFE brings the perspective from the research institutes, to promote rewarding, diverse and interoperable academic careers. Last week, Marta Agostinho, EU-LIFE Executive Director, and Iris Uribesalgo, EU-LIFE Policy Officer, participated in the kick-off meeting of the ACA WG. The 35 members got together to align strategies for the 2-year action plan and define the first phase, which consists in mapping existing initiatives on assessment of research careers.
As for the SAGA WG, EU-LIFE has also started meeting with the partner organisations in advance of its official constitutive meeting on 6 November. This working group seeks to equip the organizations’ administration and governance with strategies to implement changes in their research assessment schemes and organizational procedures. The starting point is the (bio)medical research discipline (and related fields), assuming similar research cultures, notions of excellence and assessment practices as well as acknowledging the specifics of researchers that are both medical professionals and scientists. EU-LIFE will contribute with the experience of its 15 research institutes in assessment practices to identify barriers and facilitators, evaluate existing practices, consolidate experiences and share best practices.
Stay tuned for updates and remember that all CoARA signatories are welcome to join!!